The education committee (EC) has three primary tasks as follows:

1. IAAO Educational Course Offering: The Education Committee accomplishes its mission by establishing a program where Listers and Assessors have increased access to the IAAO educational offerings as required for the State of Vermont Property Assessor Certification Program and to support the IAAO designation program. To administrate and facilitate education as set forth by the Education committee. Education plan includes, but is not limited to, 1-day, 2 to 2.5-day or 5-day IAAO appraisal courses.

2. Annual Conference: To assist VALA Annual Conference Committee with, and provide educational opportunities during, the Annual Conference.

3. TOEC: To represent VALA as a committee member on the University of Vermont (UVM) Extension’s Town Officers Education Conference (TOEC). Provide at least one representative to act as a committee member(s) on the UVM TOEC committee. To coordinate with other committee members and provide assistance in establishing the workshop tracks for assessment

Please feel free to contact VALA Education Committee with any comments or requests at: [email protected]